Batch is a Church community gathered around ‘being’. Being for God and for his kingdom available to us by faith in Jesus; being for one-another and the wider community that God so loves; being for creation and seeking to do our part in caring for what God has entrusted to us.
Our values:
- Worshipping in Spirit and truth – we seek to glorify God through the ups and downs of life. We experiment in Sunday worship seeking to open to the Holy Spirit
- Word centred – we value being shaped by God’s word in biblical scripture.
- Being yourself – we’re not about the projected image. We’re all on a journey with God.
- Food and friendship – we often have food together before the service, and sometimes after as well. Home groups are the key place we do Christian life together.
We’re part of the Presbyterian Tribe – to see what we believe check out the Kupu Whakapono (confession of faith) here.